/ Introduction into UWB technology / GPR


Georadiolocation or Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) research is innovative geophysical method to image the subsurface which gives the opportunity to survey in details the structure of the ground or constructions depending on the task. Various methods of Geophysics study Earth's internal structure and composition using various physical fields. Georadiolocating method belongs to a group of electromagnetic methods, studying the response to radiated electromagnetic field i.e. detects the reflected signals from subsurface structures. Georadiolocation operates in the frequency range from 50 to 6000 MHz.

Principle of operation of subsurface radar (GPR) is based on the radiation of ultra-wideband (nanosecond) pulses of UHF/VHF band of electromagnetic waves and receiving signals reflected from interface layers with different electrophysical properties. Subsurface radars are used for:

•  in geology - for definition of geologic cross-section, ground water level detection, ice thickness, depth and profile of rivers or lakes foundation, mineral deposits distribution limits in quarries, Sinkholes and vugs disposition;

•  in transport construction – depth of pavement constructional layers detection and compaction of road-building materials, surveying of road-building materials quarries, definition of underlying bed for transport works, depth soil freezing and road structures, moisture content in pavement soil and underlying bed, soil erosion on sites of bridge crossings;

•  in industrial and civil construction, to detect the quality and condition of concrete constructions (bridges, buildings, etc.), dams and dikes condition , identification of landslide areas, location of engineering networks (metal and plastic pipes, cables and other utilities).

We actively develop both terminal devices - georadars and modules for georadars as well as UWB antennas for them.