Participation in the conference "Rosavtodor"
At the State Opera and Ballet of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), held Plenary Session of the Scientific-practical conference "Features of the building, repair and maintenance of highways in difficult climatic conditions. Innovative solutions, materials and technology "with Transport Minister, M.U. Sokolov, Deputy Transport Minister O.V. Belozerov, head of the Federal Road Agency A.M. Chabunin etc.
Among other things, the plenary session discussed current issues of development of transport infrastructure of the Far Eastern federal district, the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), road funds of the RF subjects; road complex of Krasnoyarsk region in financing the road fund, the state and development of roads of the Northern regions of Russia, specific technical policy in the construction of highways in difficult climatic conditions, etc.
The presentation of device of ice thikness measurement "PicoR-ICE" based on Novelda technology at this conference was attended by Chief of Expert-analytical center of JSC "KBOR" Gregory Seregin.